Talks & Presentations
Invited Talks/Presentations
- Roundtable Seminar on Agents and LLM Applications (智能体与大模型应用圆桌论坛), at 2024 Yangtze River Delta Artificial Intelligence Conference (数字中国论坛暨2024长三角人工智能大会), Hangzhou, China, 12/27, 2024
- 面向图策略推荐的分布式图智能计算关键技术及工业应用, at CCF Computility 2024, Changchun, China, 07/28, 2024
蚂蚁图计算在真实业务场景下的挑战与产学合作机遇探讨, at 全国智能计算标准化工作组图计算研究组研讨会, Hangzhou, China, 12/19, 2023.
蚂蚁图计算在真实业务场景下的挑战与产学合作机遇探讨, at ACM SIGOPS ChinaSys 2023, Lanzhou, China, 12/16, 2023.
Graph Intelligent Computing Driven By Large Models, at 2023 INCLUSION·Conference on the Bund (外滩大会), Shanghai, China, 09/2023
- High-performance bioinformatics algorithms: bridging big data and big compute for biological data analysis, at State University of New York at Binghamton, Binghamton, USA, 03/2017
- High-performance bioinformatics algorithms: bridging big data and big compute for biological data analysis, at Fairfield University, Fairfield, USA, 01/2017
- High-performance bioinformatics algorithms: bridging big data and big compute for biological data analysis, at Seven Bridges Genomics (a biomedical data analysis company accelerating breakthroughs in genomics research for cancer, drug development and precision medicine), Boston, USA, 01/2017
- An integrated solution to call germline and somatic single-nucleotide and indel mutations, at 6th Workshop on Computational Advances for Next Generation Sequencing (CANGS 2016) in conjunction with 6th IEEE International Conference on Computational Advances in Bio and Medical Sciences (ICCABS), 10/2016
- Invited speaker at South Big Data Hub Workshop on High Impact Applications of Data Science in Precision Medicine, Health Analytics, and Health Disparities, at Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, 09/2016
- Gene prediction and genome annotation, at University of Mainz, Germany, 10/2013
- Parallel and accurate short-read alignment for next-generation sequencing, at University of Mainz, Germany, 10/2013
- PASHA: a parallelized short-read assembler for large genomes, at University of Cologne, Germany, 06/2013
- Parallel and accurate gapped alignment for next-generation sequencing reads, at Tianjin Polytechnic University, China, 10/2012
Conference Presentations
- Parallel pairwise correlation computation on Intel Xeon Phi clusters, at 28th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD 2016), Lost Angeles, USA, 10/2016
- SNVSniffer: an integrated caller for germline and somatic SNVs based on Bayesian models, at 2015 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM 2015), Washington DC, USA, 11/2015
- SWAPHI: Smith-Waterman protein database search on Xeon Phi coprocessors, at 25th IEEE International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP 2014), Switzerland, 06/2014
- Long read alignment based on maximal exact match seeds, at 11th European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB 2012), Switzerland, 09/2012
- Evaluation of GPU-based seed generation for computational genomics using Burrows-Wheeler transform, at 26th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2012), China, 05/2012
Conferences Without Talks
- 2024 European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys 2023), Athens, Greace, 04/2024
- 2023 ACM Web Conference (WWW 2023), Austin, Texas, USA, 04/2023
- 2019 GPU Technology Conference (China) (GTC China 2019), Suzhou, China, 12/2019
- 2019 GPU Technology Conference (GTC 2019), San Jose, CA, USA, 03/2019
- The 33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2019), Honolulu, USA, 01/2019
- The 26th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP 2017), Shanghai, China, 10/2017
- The 34th National Database Conference(NDBC 2017), Hangzhou, China, 10/2017
- 2017 GPU Technology Conference China (GPU China 2017), Beijing, China, 09/2017
- 3rd International High Performance Computing Forum (IHCPF 2017), Guangzhou, China, 09/2017
- 2016 International Plant and Animal Genome XXIV Conference (PAG XXIV), San Diego, CA, USA
- 2015 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC15), Austin, TX, USA
- 2015 ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics (ACM-BCB 2015), Atlanta, GA, USA