- The Program to Empower Partnerships with Industry (PEPI) Award: $11,000, South Big Data Hub of USA, 2016. Role: principal investigator
Proposal: compressive computing for big data applications based on accelerators.
- NVIDIA Academic Hardware Grant: a GeForce GTX Titan X graphics card ($1,000 worth), 2016. Role: principal investigator
Donated to my WACEBI 2016 workshop as the Best GPU Paper/Talk Award prize.
- NVIDIA Academic Hardware Grant: one GeForce GTX Titan X graphics card ($1,000 worth), 2015: Role: principal investigator
Proposal: Parallel building blocks for large-scale sequence analysis.
- NSF Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) Startup Grant: 50,000 SUs CPU time and 3,000 GB storage, 2015. Role: principal investigator
Proposal: Parallel assembler for metagenomic sequence data from next-generation sequencing.
- Intel Parallel Computing Center: $400,000, 07/2015-06/2017. Role: co-investigator.